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EXTREME Dance Studio Business Makeover
 Call us at: 203-545-7167
Extreme Dance Studio Business Makeover Clients
Nina M. Scattaregia, SME
Dolly Kelepecz
Extreme Dance Studio Business Makeover takes special care to understand the unique needs of each of our clients to design custom solutions that exceed expectations.

We are proud of the work we do and would like to share these testimonials from our clients:
The experience of going through the Extreme Makeover has given me some real insight and empowerment. (even though some things I've had to hear many times) I can now deal with any situation, even the toxic ones, with more confidence and know I can succeed.

We can already see that in restructuring our classes to the hour format, how much more we can do with our students.

Thank you Angie, Steve and Robert for giving me my passion back.

Nina M. Scattaregia, SME  •  The Dance Factory
I have known Steve and Angie for over 10 years. I have worked with them at teaching colleges and have seen the success of their studio and business. They have a superior work ethic and have dedicated their lives to bringing cutting edge, progressive thinking and clear straight forward methods of running a studio and teaching dance. Together, with Robert, who is an inspiring motivational speaker, I cannot think of three people with a more positive outlook on life and this most definitely spills over into their business.

Dolly Kelepecz  •  D.K. Body Balancing Method
The Secret To Your Success Is In Our Commitment
I have known Steve and Angie for over 10 years. I have worked with them at teaching colleges and have seen the success of their studio and business. They have a superior work ethic and have dedicated their lives to bringing cutting edge, progressive thinking and clear straight forward methods of running a studio and teaching dance. Together, with Robert, who is an inspiring motivational speaker, I cannot think of three people with a more positive outlook on life and this most definitely spills over into their business.

Dolly Kelepecz  •  D.K. Body Balancing Method